The regulatory landscape in the automotive remanufacturing market is constantly changing. But can technological innovations help to make it easier to comply with new regulations?
With our short quantitative survey, we want to find out which regulatory trends and influences are driving the industry – and which technological drivers could facilitate compliance.
The survey offers a unique possibility to identify relevant regulations and obligations, pre-filtered for the european remanufacturing market in automotive. It provides an overview about current and future regulatory-driven opportunities and risks, evaluated from an expert perspective.
The project is being developed as part of a working group between ISMO BTS GmbH, OTH Amberg-Weiden, the University of Bayreuth and APRA Europe.
The results of the survey provide valuable insights and will be incorporated directly into an initial presentation at Rematec on 9 April.
You can find more details here.
Your advantage:
As a thank you, we are giving away several vouchers worth a total of €160 among all participants.
In addition, members of the APRA Europe network benefit from the following advantages:
Exclusive workshop participation: Those who indicate in the questionnaire that they are taking part in the Rematec will automatically be entered into a draw for 8 x €20 drinks vouchers for the Rematec. The winners will be selected on the 31st of March and directly contacted. In addition, a regulatory trend topic will be prioritised in a workshop on 09.04., which will be elaborated on in a consecutive step-by-step guideline for the whole APRA network.
Provision of results: The prepared study results are made available exclusively to the members of the APRA network.
➡ Participate now:
Thank you very much for your support!
