The common definition for a
remanufactured part is:
a remanufactured part fulfills a function which is at least equivalent compared to the original part.
it is restored from an existing part (core), using standardized industrial processes in line with specific technical specifications.
a remanufactured part is given the same warranty as a new part and it clearly identifies the part as a remanufactured part und states the remanufacturer.
a remanufactured part is different from a reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, reworked or reconditioned part.
This definition is by ACEA, APRA Europe, CLEPA and FIRM

The remanufacturing process explained:
Remanufacturing is a standardized industrial process* by which cores are returned to same-as-new, or better, condition and performance. The process is in line with specific technical specifications, including engineering, quality and testing standards. The process yields fully warranted products.
*An industrial process is an established process, which is fully documented, and capable to fulfil the requirements established by the remanufacturer.
It all starts with
a core.
A core is a previously sold, worn or non-functional product or part, intended for the remanufacturing process. During reverse logistics, a core is protected, handled and identified for remanufacturing to avoid damage and to preserve its value. A core is not waste or scrap and is not intended to be reused before remanufacturing.

The remanufacturing industry reached a common understanding of basic definitions in 2016. And using the correct words is the first step to be successful in the remanufacturing industry. APRA Europe has published an overview of relevant terms which are frequently used in connection with the remanufacturing business.
Common Definition of Remanufacturing
Remanufacturing Terminology Definitions
Remanufacturing Translation Matrix