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2023 Symposium Pamplona

APRA European Symposium 2023

14-16 March 2023
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain

Special thanks to our hosts:


Special thanks to our sponsors:


Thank you for coming to Pamplona. Your participation has made our event valuable and successful. We were happy to host 120 participants and 15 expert speakers.



Participants and APRA Europe members get exclusive access to the presentation slides from our expert speakers. Please login to the members area here.

Program and event information (downloads)

Program overview

Speakers list

Information Osasuna stadium visit

APRA European Symposium 2021

30 November - 2 December 2021
Prague, Czech Republic

Special thanks to our hosts:


Special thanks to our sponsors:


We look back on another very successful edition of the APRA European Symposium. Despite pandemic-related circumstances, we were able to host it as a fully physical event. Our visitors from 13 different countries, all dedicated remanufacturing industry professionals, obviously were very relieved and happy to finally have an opportunity to meet and network.

Our programme included again, a broad range of experts’ speeches with a keynote given by Robert Kirr of Nexus Automotive International.

As in previous editions, two plant tours were scheduled for the Symposium. Due to Covid regulations, it was not possible to have physical tours. But our partners made a great job to make virtual, remote tours possible without compromising the amount and quality of information.

Thank you again to all our speakers, plant tour hosts and participants.

We look forward to the next edition of the APRA European Symposium.



Participants and APRA Europe members get exclusive access to the presentation slides from our expert speakers. Please login to the members area here.

Program and event information (downloads)

Program overview

Speakers list

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